#1 Change to Make in The New Year


Ever wonder how to make your dreams come true? How to actually stick to your goals? Here’s ONE thing you can change in the new year which will make all the difference.

Welcome to December (no idea how we got here). Here’s something that always happens around this time of year. People start thinking about their New Year’s Resolutions.

We start thinking about what we want to change next year and how it’s going to be different.

Can you relate?

You have huge dreams.


But every year you keep telling yourself that it’s not possible for you because you don’t have enough money to start that dream career. Your passion would never make enough money to in order for you to quit your job.

Here’s something different to try…

What if you asked the question and instead of answering it, you let the universe show you the way?

What if you said, “What would it look like if I could (insert your dream here)?” And you left it at that. You didn’t try to answer it, think of how to get there or convince yourself that it’s not possible for you.

If you keep arguing for your limitations, you get to keep them.

When you tell yourself that it’s not possible, you will always be right. But if you tell yourself that it can happen to you, you open the door for endless possibilities.

My deepest desire has always been to be able to be on a constant workcation – always on vacation but able to work from anywhere in the world. I’ve been expressing this desire for over 15 years. The idea of having an online business wasn’t even a real thing 10-15 years ago. I had NO freaking idea that that would be the road to fulfilling my desire. Did you catch that? That road didn’t even exist yet.

If I had made up my mind that it wasn’t possible, if I had listened to every single person who told me that what I want isn’t realistic, I would have never even seen this road. I would have missed it if I blinked.

Remember, the what is way more important than the how. The how will reveal itself when you start moving.

You got this, my beautiful friend. The things that you are seeking are also seeking YOU. They are waiting for you to discover them.

Keep going for those dreams girl! Know that you are meant to live the life that your heart desires.

Does your heart desire MANY things? Not sure which one to follow? Do you feel stuck and have no idea how to create a life that feels more authentic to who you are? You’re in luck! I just created this brand new free training! Get it now and learn how you can create a life that you love! 😉

Sending you lots of holiday love.


New year, new mind.


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