How to Stop Feeling Fake

It’s easy to feel like a fake when you’re multi passionate and trying to figure out what your purpose is. There are so many passions and dreams that you have and that makes you feel like you’re not good at anything.


Stop feeling fake.

That’s how you feel, right?

Sorry for the scary image on the right but that’s just how I feel sometimes.

You can literally feel like everyone you know is judging you for starting yet another business, a new job, joining a new direct sales company or talking about a new passion.

No matter what your story is, I want you to know that you are not alone. It’s a part of every fiber of our being. That’s the beauty and the curse of being multi passionate. Your soul feels like it’s dying when it has to be confined to one thing, it wants new experiences, it just wants to take flight!

We are not meant to do one thing, so stop trying to tame yourself.

So Zee, you ask, if I’m not meant to do one thing, how am I ever going to find my purpose and live in it without feeling fake and without other people thinking I’m flaky?

Start with who you are at your core.

The products you sell, the job that you have, the services that you offer and the passions that you have will change, but who you are at your core will most likely never change. Think about the things that you stand for.

I almost never sell on my social media accounts. My IG is a perfect example of this. I always talk about my core values and almost never talk about what I’m selling. If you’re not following me on IG, get over there. Use it as an example of what you can strive for.

Your core values will withstand the test of time and your multi passionate nature.

I stand for truth, collaboration, and empowerment. These have been a major theme in my life ever since I can remember. Growing up, I always stood up to bullies, always rooted for the underdog, and never had friends who were “popular.” I never believed in competition and always shared my knowledge without fear of anyone taking a piece of my pie. No matter what job I had or what I was selling, people always knew what they can expect from me: honesty, collaboration, and empowerment.


While your passions will change over time, who you are at your core rarely changes. You were born with these qualities and they're there for a reason.

Now, it’s your turn. What are the three things that you stand for? These are things that we tend to dismiss as “common sense” or things that “can’t make me money.” If you think back to when you were growing up, these were themes that were present throughout your life. It’s characteristics that you are most proud of in your life. Take out a piece of paper and write it down. Don’t judge. Don’t worry about what others will think. Allow yourself to be YOU. Start with what YOU think…

Dig deep. Do the work. The world needs your gifts. It doesn’t help anyone to keep your gifts to yourself.

You got this my friend.

Putting it into action:

  • When you’re not in the room, what do you want people to say about you?

  • Ask yourself these questions:

    • What traits/characteristics are you most proud of?

    • What is your proudest accomplishment?

    • What characteristics would your closest friends say are “so you”?


Write a “thank you” note to your excuses.


How to Be Multi Passionate Without Looking Flakey