Is Your Soul Happy?

Your soul is that authentic voice that you have.

It’s your LIGHTBULB. It reflects how HAPPY and FULFILLED, you are. You can have a high paying job and the perfect body but your SOUL might not be happy. The LIGHTBULB might be very dim.

So, how do we make our SOUL happy? How do we turn up the LIGHT? It’s much simpler than you think. Here are three things you can do to NURTURE your soul.

  1. EMBRACE the challenges you face

    We sometimes look at challenges as obstacles. But what this wasn’t the case? CHALLENGES make us stronger and make our soul BRIGHTER. Instead of looking at it as something you have to overcome, look at it as something that you can INTEGRATE into your life. Teach yourself how to become calmer during challenging situations. There is a sense of peace that comes with being able to remain cool when everything around you is chaotic. This will help you MOVE forward instead of holding you back.

  2. Ask yourself what MOVES you

    What would you be doing if you had an ABUNDANT amount of money and time? What would you be doing if you weren’t concerned about making a living or about what others will be thinking of you? Stop listening to your logical mind and ask yourself what MOVES you. Spend 10 minutes a day doing that one thing. When you do this, you will see that you will come out the other side feeling HAPPY and FULFILLED.

  3. Practice less RESISTANCE

    Don’t waste time resisting our situation or the people around you. That only wastes your time and ENERGY. This energy can be better used elsewhere. Next time you are in a situation that you don’t want to be in, accept the reality of it and start looking for ways in which you can adapt to it or work around it. Add something that you enjoy into the equation and you’ll see the situation or that person in a new LIGHT. For example, if you hate where you work, instead of waking up every morning feeling sorry for yourself and thinking about how you have to spend eight hours a day at work, grab your favorite book and take your lunchtime to sit outside, embracing the weather, and submerge yourself in your book.

Often times, we ignore the importance of making our SOUL happy. We stand by and watch that LIGHT get dimmer and dimmer. Give your SOUL the attention that it needs. Walk into a room and instantly make it BRIGHTER!

Often times, we ignore the importance of making our SOUL happy. We stand by and watch that LIGHT get dimmer and dimmer. Give your SOUL the attention that it needs. Then you can walk into a room and instantly make it BRIGHTER!



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New year, new mind.