Every Person Makes This Mistake When Starting Their Journey to Figure Out Their Purpose.


Every person makes this same mistake when first starting out on their personal development journey.

I know how it goes girlfriend, I was that person who was super excited to start my greeting card business, and my bracelet business, and my wall art business…then halfway through it decided that I wanted to do something else and just moved on. Sounds familiar?

We drive ourselves crazy trying to come up with a title for what we do because every expert says to do it. Then one of three things happen…

  1. You niche down, finally figure out what you want to do and what your title is, you go in full force, then three months later get tired of it, quit and want to start something new.

  2. Then you feel like a fake because you started one thing and now you’re switching to something else.

  3. So you never actually start because the idea of starting one thing, scrapping it, and starting all over is too overwhelming.

Any of these ring a bell?


After going through all of these myself and seeing the women I work with go through them, I have this to say about it all:

As someone who is just starting out int he journey of figuring out what your purpose is, the worst thing you can do is box yourself, especially when you’re just starting out.

So what then do you propose, Zee?

Well…I’m glad you asked,

I say who the heck cares to all the experts. Do it your way.

The work that you do is a tool that helps you spread your message, it’s not the core of what you do. Let me explain.

If you lead with the actual work that you do, you will always find yourself starting all over again, every single time you decide to try something else. And since you’re just starting out and still trying to figure out what brings you joy and what your side hustle should be, you will try different thing and keep switching gears, But if you lead with your core message, the things that you value, you can use the actual work that you do as a tool to spread that message and you will never have to start over.

So what do you start? Start with your values.

For example, if you’re just starting to sell hair products, don’t lead with the fact that you’re a hair product saleswoman. Lead with your core message, which might be that you’re passionate about helping women over 50 feel beautiful in their skin. This way, if you end up switching to selling leggings, your message still applies and you don’t have to worry about rebranding, telling everyone that you’re a legging saleswoman now and feeling like you’re starting all over again.

Your values rarely change. Your beer preference chances…so does your coffee preference but your values mostly stay the same. For me, I am an advocate for women, I value collaboration over competition and I believe in being all in in everything that I do. Those are things that have been true about me ever since I can remember. I lead with those. If you follow me on IG (and if you don’t, what are you waiting for? It’s at the bottom of this post, get to it!), you’ll see that I rarely post about what I’m selling. It’s all about my core values. People are attracted to me because of that. Everything else I do is a way to spread those core values.

Ask yourself, what do I value? Who am I at my core? Let that drive everything that you do!

Here’s to YOU and building something that goes beyond the surface and into your core.

Putting it into action:

  • Write down three things that you value most? Things that you stand up for? Often times, these are the things that we dismiss, we think everyone is like this, and everyone values all of these things.

  • Think of the people that you respect the most. What do they stand for? Why do you look up to them? It’s not their career, occupation, or looks. It goes way beyond that.

  • Follow me on IG, www.instagram.com/zeenajarian


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