Six Habits of Successful People


Why are some people more successful than others? There’s really no mystery: It’s because they do things differently than people who are less successful.

The difference between successful people and those who are not is habits

Here are six things that very successful people do every day.

  1. Keep Your Eye on the Goal
    Don’t let obstacles or setbacks keep you from achieving your goals. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. To stay ahead in anything, you must be able to see situations from all angles, the good and the bad. Remember that smooth seas never created a skillful sailor.

  2. Learn How to Say No
    It’s far better to say no to a project you aren’t fully able to take on, rather than say yes and produce poor quality work or something that you aren’t proud of. Learning to say no is an extremely valuable skill. You don’t have to do everything or attend every event. Thank that person who invited you to their baby shower and sends them a nice gift instead. Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you must do yourself, and then delegate the other things to other people.

  3. Keep a Daily To-Do List
    If you haven’t written it down, most likely it won’t get done. We’d like to think we have great memories and we can remember our most important tasks, but when our day gets busy and meetings run long it’s easy to forget these things. Each morning, or the night before, write out a detailed plan of attack for the day or the following day. Not only will this list keep you more organized, but seeing the list in front of you may help you work harder and ignore distractions.

  4. Welcome Criticism
    Learn to listen to and absorb criticism. When someone says something hateful and negative, listen to it and then let go, but constructive criticism should be evaluated and acted upon. You might think someone is trying to hurt you or put you down but try to look beyond that, maybe there is a point to what they are saying, maybe there is a lesson to be learned. Ask for feedback from people whose opinions you value. Remember to be kind when receiving feedback; don’t react in a way that doesn’t allow others to tell you how they feel and give you authentic feedback.

  5. Exercise
    I don’t care what you say, you will never ever be successful without exercise. Every successful person exercises. Don’t take my word for it, go out and ask them. This doesn’t have to be strenuous, crazy exercising but it has to be something that elevates your heart rate and gets you going. It raises endorphin levels are making you happier.

  6. Take Risks
    It’s impossible to become successful while always playing it safe. Taking well-calculated risks can bring unimaginable opportunities to your life. When taking that risk doesn’t turn out well, simply learn from it and keep moving forward. Remember that big dreams and great successes aren’t realized by playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone.

There you have it! Which habit are you going to start with?


You Are Always Winning


Success Talk: What Does it Take to Be Successful?