A Season For Everything

If you’re in a season of waiting, a season of doing the work but not seeing the results that you want, a season feeling impatient…this is straight from my heart to yours.


As a multipassionate woman, who has always wanted to do everything, I can tell you that you can do everything, just not all at once. The biggest lesson that I’ve learned is that we go through seasons. Which means when times are tough, know that this too shall pass. And when you’re having the greatest time of your life, cherish it because this season shall pass too. You have to learn to embrace the seasons.

The truth is, life has always been meant to be lived in seasons.

You’re a teenager only for a season of your life, you’re in college only for a season, you live in your childhood home for a season, when you have kids they throw tantrums only for a season of their lives, people are in our lives for a season…

When I was just starting my personal development journey, I was in a long season of self-discovery. It took me almost four years to figure out what really brings me joy, what my gifts are, and how I’m going to help people within my business. It was tough, it was a long season. I wanted to be there already, whatever “there” was. I wanted to be living in my passion already, I wanted to be helping hundreds of people, I wanted to already be successful.

I wanted to quit my day job so many times. I saw everyone quitting their corporate job, doing what they loved, and already making money. I wanted to be one of those people. But I knew I had to stay in this season. I knew this was an important one.

Success comes only with persistence.

Most people rather bailout than stick it out. When things get tough and confusing and when you don’t see the light, know that this is the work you need to do. This work right here prepares you for the next stage. It is necessary and it is only a season.

Stay the course, my sweet friend.


Most people won't stick it out and that's what makes YOU different. Stay in the season you're in, give it all you got!

Just keep going my friend, this season shall pass.


Must Read Book for Everyone


The First Step in Creating a Life That You Love