How to be an Influencer


Influencing is so icky! I don’t want to cheat people into doing things they don’t want to do. That’s not even in my character.

Does that sound familiar?

That’s exactly how I used to feel when I was first starting out in the online space. I didn’t want to influence anyone! That meant I had to be deceiving and get people to do what I wanted them to do.

Here’s the truth. Influence actually means impact.

Wether you want to admit it or not, you influence people every single day. You don’t need to be instafamous to be an influencer. You don’t even need an audience on social media or even be on social media.

You were born with a gift and you’re meant to give it to the world!

One of the best gifts you can give to those you love, is learn how to be a great influencer so that you can create a bigger impact in their lives. Here are three things you can do right now to show up as an influence.


The people in your life, will tell you what they need! They will tell you their struggles and what they need your help with. All you have to do is listen. Often times we are so consumed with what we want to say and how we want to show up that we miss the point in what people need most from us. In order to make the biggest impact, you need to listen. Ask the right questions then sit back and listen. Talking to those around you is all you have to do. Check the conversations in Facebook groups. Talk to your friends. But most importantly, listen. The possibilities are endless!


Be the lighthouse

If you just learn one thing from this post, it should be this: Stop telling people what they should do and just be the lighthouse. When I was first starting out in the online space, I loved it SO much that I kept trying to convert everyone into entrepreneurs. I talked about it because I loved it! Because I saw so much potential in it. Because I wanted everyone to have the same freedom that I had found. But that pushed a lot of people away. So instead of talking the talk, walk the walk. Everyone has their own time and their own journey. Know when you give your option and when to just listen.

Got the extra mile

Go the extra mile, it's never crowded there.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, It’s one of my most favorite sayings. Think about it. When was the last time you called into a call center and was 100% satisfied by the service that you got? (Unless it was Amazon, of course!) Can’t remember the last time? Neither can I. That’s because it’s RARE. Most people won’t go the extra mile. If you want to be an influencer all you really need to do is put in a tad bit more effort than everyone around you. It’s really that simple. Most people quit way to early in the pursuit of their dreams. Why? Because it “isn’t worth the effort.” Sounds simple? That’s because it really is. Don’t believe me? Well…go ahead…prove me wrong…

Here’s to YOUR impact in the world!

Putting it into action:

Ready to become an influencer? Try these…

  1. Where in your life are you lacking follow through? How can you go the extra mile today? Is there a project you’re working on? How can you show up a little more powerfully and serve a little harder?

  2. How can you listen more? How can you talk less and listen more? Do you find yourself interrupting others when they’re speaking because you want to say what’s on your mind? How can you become aware of this and stop yourself from interrupting so that you can hear what’s being said?


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