How NOT to Save Money

I heard Marie Forlio say this “Money is like you and me, it’s attracted to respect and appreciation.

This really stuck with me. She respects her money for the amount of time that it is with her. She doesn't just crumple it up and throw it in her wallet. She flattens it out, irons it (metaphorically), and keeps her bills all facing the same way.

Give it the respect it deserves while it’s with you!


So, here we go, three ways how NOT to save money

  1. Try to win big

    What better way to get more money than to spend money? Buy those lottery tickets, keep gambling! You can be that one in a million who wins! And if you don’t win, at least you had a blast watching your money disappear!

  2. Never save money

    You only live once! Who’s to say you’re going to be alive to use your savings? Who needs retirement money anyway! Live on the edge and spend it all!

  3. Don’t follow your budget.

    Better yet, if you don’t have one, don’t bother creating one! They’re way too restricting and a waste of time! When you don’t know how much you have and how much you should be spending, you can spend freely! However much you want wherever you want.

Now, seriously, I hope you figured out that you need to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I just told you! 😉


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