How to Love Yourself as a Multi-passionate Woman

You know that friend of yours, the one who always knew what she was going to do with her life. At the age of five, she knew she loved numbers. In high school, she knew that she was going to be a CPA then become a partner at the largest firm in the country. And she did just that. You know who I’m talking about. God bless those people. I’m not one of them. and I’m willing to bet, neither are you.


There are a whole lot of us who think there must be something wrong if we don’t have an all-consuming passion that we’re

mega focused on for our entire lives.

That was me. I thought I wasn’t good at anything. I had no idea what major to pick, I have degrees in polar opposite fields and I’ve had many many different side jobs. I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Enter the jackhammer and the hummingbird!

I highly suggest that you watch Liz Gilbert’s Super Soul Session. She talks about the the jackhammers and the hummingbirds.

The jackhammers find one thing that they’re overly passionate about and just run with it for the rest of their lives. Like that CPA friend of mine. And like the amazing author Liz Gilbert. If you’re a jackhammer, that’s awesome!

But for the rest of us, we’re hummingbirds! We live a rich and colorful life. We try a multitude of things, we like a bunch of taks, we go off and cross pollenate and we make the world a more vibrant place to live in.

Hummingbirds are really cool people.

Hummingbirds are really cool people.

And I’m not just saying that because I’m also a hummingbird. 🙂 They don’t just understand one thing … they understand almost everything. They dedicate their lives to just following what they’re curious about at the time and trusting that it will take them somewhere interesting and worthwhile.

Hummingbirds move around a lotThey fly from place to place. They don’t settle into anything for too long. Wherever they find themselves at the time, they’re absorbed in that fully… until they move to the next thing.

I know. The idea of being a jackhammer is way more interesting. Why? Because it sounds more simple, more stable. You find one thing that you’re really good at and you stick to it forever. It would remove all the angst about what you’re going to do next. You won’t have to explain yourself to other people. Others won’t think you’re flaky.

But think about this for a moment…What if it was OK to just do something you’re interested in for now instead of forever? How would that make you feel? You can be a jackhammer for a period of time, then go back to being a hummingbird.

Don't let the pressure of committing to one thing discourage you. Instead, commit to your curiosity. Your curiosity will lead you to your passion.

If you can follow your curiosity over and over again, you’ll always feel passionate and inspired, regardless of what you’re doing. And you’ll probably be the most interesting person in the room, every time.

Here’s to us, hummingbirds!

Putting it into action:

  • Do some research. Read about famous multi-passionate people. There were so many in the past and there are so many still today. Look at what they created and how much they contributed to society. Use them as a symbol of what is possible for YOU.

  • Read this article: People Who Have “Too Many Interests” Are More Likely To Be Successful According To Research

  • When was the last time you did something that brought you pure joy? Can you do that one thing again? What can you do today, just for pure joy? Maybe something you’ve never done but sparks your curiosity.


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