The 52 Week Money Saving Challenge!
Let’s talk about money!!
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all need money. It gives us the freedom to do anything that we want, be it donating to a cause or traveling the world. It is an essential part of our lives.
Developing a healthy relationship with money is essential to your success.
Here are the two things that have worked for me in the past and have helped me save money and develop a positive relationship with it!
I found a short them tactic that helped me save money quick! I kept a seven-day diary of what I was sending my money on. I alternated between weeks. I kept the diary for one week and took a break for another. The simple fact that I had to write down what I am spending my money on made me more conscious of it and because writing things down makes it real, many times it stopped me from making impulsive purchases. The mere fact that my purchase would live on forever in my diary and I would see it every time I looked at it, made me a more aware spender.
I found this 52 Week Money Challenge a few years back and it has consistently helped me save money in the long run. At the end of the 52 weeks, you will have saved $1,378! That’s a big chunk of money that you can use to donate to your favorite charity during the holiday, take a vacation at the beginning of the year, or have it saved up in case of an emergency. The method was created by Kassondra Perry-Moreland and the chart was created by Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union.
There have been many renditions of this challenge through the years. My favorite is the one from Clever Girl Finance. She explains it ay better than I can and gives some great tips on how to save up the money for it. Click here to read more about it on her blog.