How to Get Started on your Dreams

Ready to get unstuck and start working on those dreams? Keep reading…

And just like that, the first quarter in the year is over! If you’re sitting there thinking to yourself that you have no idea where the time went and that you’re nowhere near the goals that you had set in January, you’re not alone.

AND this happens all the time. 92% percent of the time to exact.


There is something you can do about it!

And you already know what to do about it, you just don’t want to believe it.

Trust that you already have everything within you to accomplish those desires that you have. YOU are meant to have everything that your heart desires, that’s why you desire it. Everything in the universe is working to help you achieve it, it’s all waiting for you, all you have to do is reach up far enough to grab it.

For most of my life, I knew I was made for something greater, but I thought I had no idea what that was. I actually did know, I just didn’t believe that I was good enough for it. I always knew I wanted to inspire people to make their highest contributions to the world. I had already been doing that in other areas of my life (through fitness, nonprofit work, my corporate job, tutoring…) but I didn’t believe that I was good enough to fully step into it.


You already know what to do,

you just don’t want to believe it.

We’re taught to quantify our success by actual numbers. And it’s this thinking that keeps us stuck. How many pounds did you lose? How many people watched that video that you did? How many likes did you get? That’s exactly what kept me stuck for years. I kept telling myself that I hadn’t really helped anyone achieve anything. I didn’t have thousands of raving fans. I didn’t have hundreds of testimonials. What was the point in doing anything anyway? No one had turned into Einstein because of my help…(who wants to be Einstein anyway?)

The truth is that results don’t have to be BIG to matter. And it all starts in your own backyard.

Remember that one time you were having the crappiest day and your friend called you to ask how you’re doing? How much did that one SMALL act matter? What difference did it make in your day? Maybe she didn’t even know how much that call meant to you or that you were having a bad day. It doesn’t have to be huge to matter. Start where you’re at with what you do know. You like to cook? Cool! Start there. Take a cooking class, find a meetup, call up a friend and share a recipe! You will never know the true impact of the small action steps that you take. The results might be felt halfway across the world.

Here's to YOU making yourself proud this year and actually taking steps toward those dreams.

Putting it into action:

  • Think about three things that you have achieved that are NOT quantifiable. These are things that aren’t number victories. Then imagine where you would be if you hadn’t achieved these things. I’ll go first:

    I learned that I should not worry about what others think of me. If I hadn’t learned this lesson, I would have never started my coaching business because I would have been too afraid of what others would think of me starting yet another venture. People still have no idea what I do but that doesn’t stop me from working towards my goals because I now know to stay in my lane.



Your Zone of Genius


How To Do Less But Have More